Welcome! This is the "About Me" section and I'm the one who runs this site. My name is Roshenbow, but you can call me Roshen or Jace. Whatever works for you.
To get things rolling, I am a digital minimalist. I'm not anti everything in relation to the internet or technology (except for AI). I do believe everything should be moderated for the betterment of your life, but ultimately that choice is up to you.
As I mentioned, I'm a digital minimalist. I focus on self discipline, self control, and productivity. I've structured my day to manage screen time, including video games and TV. I feel I've been able to maintain a much more fulfilling life and have a better understanding of time management. Outside of that, I follow a Straight Edge lifestyle, which in my eyes is the very foundation of why I want to improve myself. That lifestyle is the reason my mindset today has been, "I want to be better than I was yesterday," so I do what I can to improve myself. I am not religious by any means, but a lot of my beliefs stem from Buddhist and Krishna Consciousness teachings.